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File: 1728232129949.webm (3.89 MB, 324x462, 54:77, ramon.webm) ImgOps iqdb


When you access 4chan it embeds a cookie in your browser that can read all your internet activity, then runs an algorithm based on that activity to show posts relevant to it. Along with the bots, the site is being used to test this technology before it's more widely deployed.


This is not worth making a thread about, faggot


File: 1728234004956.jpg (514.21 KB, 1079x1325, 1079:1325, 1728228837489570.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


That's more than I whack off in a year.


>no boobs

Not interested tbh, form or no form


Wouldn't surprise me, but what evidence is there for that?


An obvious schitzophrenic making word salad threads about it of course anon


Even VPN can't save you, some faggots really believe that VPN really is this holy shield protecting you from big corps and government?
The internet was a whole would improve if someone just bombed all the google servers.

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