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Say hello to my shitpost blend

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File: 1728404689430.jpg (214.4 KB, 765x764, 765:764, gahoole.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>hurricane milton is approaching the mathematical limits as to what the earth can produce
>its a new category, a cat 6
>gayhole lives in florida
is gahoole going to be ok?


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Milton has weakened, it's a Cat 4 now, but they're saying it may go up to Cat 5 again before landfall.


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Gahoole is going to wake up in McOznalds
>And you were there, and you were there, and you were there


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll be fine, I don't live on the gulf coast so by the time it reaches where I am the power should be a lot weaker.
When I die I am making sure you go too buddy


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You'll have to dox me first!
Haha! 4 years and no dox!


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Why the fuck do you live in the same city than bbcmenko ?


Gahoole, in a way you and I are like batman and Joker.
I am the criminal terrorizing Gotham.
You are the caped crusader.


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>You'll have to dox me first! Haha! 4 years and no dox!


Your pathetic gay fantasies are getting out of hand.


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>I'm le joker and you're my batman


See you soon


Go suck a black dick faggot


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>nothing but pure seethe
See, Gahoole knows how to joke. He knows how to have fun!
Patrick, you really need to gas all this foxdick and faggy.shitty vermin. This shit belongs in the Reddit ditch.


Gahoole will be fine, he's a big guy. But we can all agree that this storm, being just in time for the end of the election cycle, is the result of cloudseeding/chemtrails, right? THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO KILL HIM


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Gahoole, you got all your hurricane party supplies ready? I've got beer, water, I've got my tablet charged up, power banks, etc.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hurricane Party themes go


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if nuzach is joker and gahoole is batman… then who is zachary keith hasbrouck??


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>when the eyewall hits


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>See, Gahoole knows how to joke. He knows how to have fun! Patrick, you really need to gas all this foxdick and faggy.shitty vermin. This shit belongs in the Reddit ditch.




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File: 1728525199558.mp4 (2.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Get a life.mp4) ImgOps iqdb



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File: 1728526361934.mp4 (2.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Get a life.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Me: make inventive insults each time. Whimsical. Effort posts. Uses different images and goes through meme phases like my current Joker phase. Laughs. Makes peace. Still uses the site normally.

You, a soytranny: spams the same three images he downloaded from booru.soy because he really believes I am a spic. Only quotes me. Deadpan serious and grim. A genuine /pol/tard. Truly pissed off. Thinks he can dox me.


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Seeing him seething and stumbling around like an obese man is always funny. Of course I'm referring to our local lolcow, the gaycel.


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nuzach used to obsessively use the term coon but since he got bullied so hard for misusing the term he now seethes about using soyjak.party memes.


I like to mix it up every now and then. You have to be a retard to spam the same exact images over and over again because of your seethe at me, or maybe I'm just that good at getting under your brown skin lmao.


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you actually post less unique images than the average anons making fun of you.


You are genuinely retarded and mentally ill if you are unable to see the irony and the reality.


where's the joker (or megalopolis) review


Gahoole has better things to do than waste time and money watching this crap, for example painting his Black Templars or watching some kino with his girlfriend.


what kino does gahoole like to watch with his gurl?


Sounds like a good WFC theme.

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