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File: 1728443438397-0.jpg (43.72 KB, 900x750, 6:5, libertarian.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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She's married to a White Man.


she bred black?


I don't think so.


>racially ambiguous whore loves bwc
Many such cases


Why are you using the literal cringe cuck terms made by jews?


What does this thread have to do with black cocks?


No woman wears black chokers and big hoop earrings constantly who isn't a menko. Dana likes big black guns.


File: 1728449787071.jpg (51.83 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Dana-Loesch-Bio-Age-Husban….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Black fingernail polish as well.

She wears this stuff for her husband, it's a kink.


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File: 1728450050077-2.jpg (87.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 740full-dana-loesch.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

She's not even my type, I just find it fascinating that a public figure can send so many signals that she's a QoS hotwife and it goes over the heads of 99% of the people.


Irony, bro.


Ehh its still disgusting its why I never say muh dik, its tiny nigger pecker for a reason, the jews lie.


If you think wearing black clothing makes you a black dick worshipper, you're a nuzach/yakuza tier schizo. Stop watching porn and take your meds.


She dresses like a teenager.


I'm sorry you're too autistic to understand the nuances of QoS wear.


>literal confirmed cuckold fetishist

okay anon, I'm not seeing it


She looks like a shemale.

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