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I'm 41, watching this video definitely makes me miss internet 1.0. I'm talking 90s to early 2000s, mainly the days of geocities, sure you'd get a lot of crummy looking websites but at least it showed personality. Now, with the proliferation of AI and social media, the internet is a sanitized corporate landscape.


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Dead alizee theory


>now mainstream
It's ogre now


I miss the old internet as well, I'm younger than you but I was still there when it was full of life.


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Today's internet is better, boomer internet was for pure fags


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>Today's internet is better, boomer internet was for pure fags


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Prove me wrong


Retarded opinion, emoji.


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By not watching the video I'd assume the video skips to the 2016 or 2019 era when liberals were on damage control and not early when they funded echochambers for the mentally unstable.


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Bush era internet was top tier

I went to a friend's house the other day and they had those $50 ring cameras in the kitchen, in the living room, and even one in the bedroom, as well as a front door camera that can pick up audio from across the street. Like, what are you doing that you're so paranoid, are you CIA?? Jeeeze…


There are some scenarios where having a security camera inside the house might make sense. If you've got a babysitter coming in to watch the children, etc. But for the most part, yeah, it's pure paranoia.


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kill yourself faggot


>avarage /b/ user is a based aryan

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