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File: 1729109534183.jpg (115.31 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, young-chinese-woman-eating….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


what should I order from the Chinese takeout place


Dog with sweet and sour sauce and lots of cooked vegetables


>Voldemort's dogfucking posts got more attention than my epic quest for a succulent chinese meal
You guys probably don't even want to know what I ordered. I knew you were fake. Yakuza was right…


Which Valdemort and which Yakuza?


>which voldemort
The worst one
>which yakuza
the one that left forever

It was general tso's chicken. Wǒ juédé wǒ xiànzài zhōngguó rén…


Which worst one?
I should order some chinese food too, but my mommy made a cake and I'll eat it with some milk and end the night.


General Tso's chicken.


dog pussy and fried poop.

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