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Every problem you post about is just a symptom of the genetic deterioration of the population.
Life is too easy, everyone becomes pure trash, everything they do is trash, and they multiply like rabbits with trash mates and the next generation is even trashier.
They have zero resistance to jewish lies because their lives are based on lies.
They need an ecosystem of lies so they can keep up the illusion that their lives have value.
It's a spiral that cannot be corrected. Total societal collapse is inevitable.
Nothing will ever get better until the dysgenics are purged with unrestrained natural selection.

The solution to everything is to collapse society with violent sabotage.
It's going to collapse anyway.
If we collapse it before the jews are ready to replace us we win. Their hordes of slaves will all starve and the jews will die because there is nothing to leech off.
The real white men will survive the chaos and take the best looking girls for themselves.

There is no point in trying to assess whether or not this is possible.
We simply have to do it or they will just kill us all with drones within a few decades.


Yeah I can somewhat agree with that, life is tough anon, we all gotta rough it through, a little shitposting can't hurt though.


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>nigger jew porn is real life


You're literally a nigger OP nobody gives af incel


BBC that's all that matters.


Or just castrating all the browns and blacks would work too. I mean brown bitches should be enslaved anyway.


I think Louis CK once said "It doesn't matter who's president when you have BBC in your mouth".


Words of Wisdom

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