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>for every X you buy, we plant a tree because it's good for the environment or something
What's the meme behind this? I've never seen where these apparent forests all pop up, seems like there's some scam going on (that would be interestng to hear about).
Ar they just the trees they're gonna chop down anyways to make product? What about products that don't use trees? Where they stickin these things? Do they just shove pine trees in the fuckin jungle (ignorant of ecology) so they grow as fast as possible? This some shit like the eucalyptus;s in California, where every tree planented sends a Californian directly to hell during wildfire season?

My spidey senses are tingling, and I feel in my heart of hearts that there's something spooky going on here. There's more to this than meats the eye.


Isn't it Temu that says that shit? I wouldn't trust those sneaky chinks.


Ecosia says something like that too.

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