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>literally hardcore pornstar
>hired as investigative journalist in a major "conservative" think tank by Rufo's Zionist puppetmasters (Soros, JD Vance's daddy Thiel)
How do you plan to monetize your chudness?


Moldbug was the original kike subverter of the right-wing on the internet, he got totally overshadowed by /pol/ but with the death of /pol/ and the lack of truly decent ideas flowing hes spread his jewish roots.


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Even among the old NRx guys I preferred Radish Mag. I think James Lawrence's writing makes Moldberg pretty obsolete anyway.


Moldbug never mentions the yids and when he does he claims the jews are like dark elves and we the white goyim are their hobbits that must be follow them.
<oy vey 1945 was the last time the hobbits rebelled against our rule
He actually doesn't want the whote goyim to die but he wants us as the jews slaves forever, how based!


People who claim Ashkenazis deserve power because of their superior intellects completely sidestep the fact that you shouldn't be supporting a hostile foreign culture no matter how smart its members may be.



Say this to my face.


I don't support kikes, also (((Yarvin))) lies a lot about kike IQ and denies the lies and nepotism that goes into it. Reminder that whites still outnumber jews by a lot so even if jews had a higher average IQ which they don't there would still be more whites with a higher IQ than them.


I am Jewish so fuck you.


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Really, bro?

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