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There's been plenty of discussion on the ideal male height. However, what would you consider the ideal female height? Personally, somewhere around 5'2 to 5'4.


I once made the mistake of dating a girl named Olga who was 5'1", was a communist and a Christian at the same time and liked chubby guys.
After that I never wasted my time with womenlets again, before her I dated this girl who was like a duckling and was getting hot with age, she played volleyball and was tall, fuck.
For me, women need to be at least 1.75m tall, Anyone thinking of having kids with some ugly gook or spic womenlet deserves a beating.


5'5"-5'7", any shorter than that, if you have a son with her, he's going to have a shitty life as a manlet.


I'm almost as short as the average woman and don't know that I'd want to be with one much shorter than me. I never liked the stubby Oompa Loompa proportions shorter women tend to have. I was definitely more attracted to tall women when I was younger but don't know if I'd be comfortable with one now.


Try to use white people metric system and tell us your height, bud. Are you under 1,65m?


I don't know the metric system, but it looks like I'm around 1.67 or 1.68 meters.


make sure she is at least 5 foot 7, even if you are 4 foot 7.
Short men get brutal hate but short women are what helps enable it.


That's okay enough depending where you live.


I'm noticeably shorter than a man of statistically average height, but I still don't feel all that short out in public. I still see a lot of guys who are my height or even shorter.

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