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File: 1733597131457.jpg (48.39 KB, 911x510, 911:510, baggy clothes trend.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Is the baggy clothes trend another way that they are punishing men for voting for Dup?

Seriously, this thing seemed to have sprung up overnight, all the girls in my neighborhood are wearing them, and it sucks.


The jews who move fashion trends treat it like a game of ping pong. One day it's leggings, the next it's baggy nigger clothing.


>Seriously, this thing seemed to have sprung up overnight, all the girls in my neighborhood are wearing them, and it sucks.
It's because they put on weight over Thanksgiving and are wearing baggy clothes to cover up the fat.
The change in weather probably has something to do with it too.


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It's an actual fashion trend and it began before Thanksgiving. It might obscure some weight problems, but girls of all shapes and sizes are participating.

It's basically the '90s-early 2000s baggy style of Black males now being applied to women.


>tight, thin, white crop top with no bra
still a whore


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I'm sure women are lining up for fashion tips from the incels that brought you these


ummmm based?


Baggy jeans looked like shit back in the '90s, and they look like shit now.


Clothes just gotta be trendy to you, if you ride the /fa/ train you either have too much money, too little self worth or both.


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You don't necessarily have to look like everyone else, but people should be more critical about dressing themselves. A lot of normgroids outsource their fashion sense to popular consensus, and a lot of autists try to dress like characters from pop culture without the least bit of discernment.

/fa/'s probably awful now, but for me as a sperg who didn't care about fashion it was invaluable in teaching me to start paying attention to clothing and putting outfits together. You just had to learn to ignore all the gothninja dorks, hi fashin homos, and streetwear wiggers who were taking over. Being in decent shape combined with wearing sensible, well-fitting basic outfits will always look better than a lot of the outlandish shit like this they started pushing. A little bit of autism goes a long way.


JewAmericans ruined cargo shorts. Only cool guys wore these during the 2000s.

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