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>Violent repeat offender Ahmad J., then 17, allegedly had a sexual relationship with a prison psychologist, 31, and a department head, 27, for months at the youth prison in Schleswig, in northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein

>The prison psychologist, who is only named by the pseudonym Marie B., fell in love with Ahmad J. after meeting him in the prison, German newspaper Bild reports

>The department head, only given the pseudonym Inga T. by local media, reportedly had regular sex with Ahmad in the youth prison

>Inga reportedly left her husband as she wanted to have a baby with Ahmad, telling him during phone calls that she imagined how beautiful she would look when pregnant

>The women reportedly didn't know they weren't Ahmad's only 'girlfriend' and each campaigned for him to be released early



What kind of legal system protects the identity of suspects in crimes, let alone sex offenders?


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Imagine fucking flat german ass, poor guy


total sandburner death


The kind where women break the law just as much as men but the incarceration rates are 90 percent male anyways.


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The lesson here is never get fat and complacent, life isn't The Simpsons and being a fat lazy retard who takes his wife for granted is a one way ticket to getting cucked by a teenage bad boy

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