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Well, >we've fuqqin mayde eet lads - a whole year under suzerainty ov the KANGOGRE. Ean honor ov us treakin aot threw the moast horrifically evil/demonic interregnum 2 d8 ean moast ov human historee, eye'm sittin auwp a /lit/ty survey 2 gauge the state ov duh board n what ppl wanna c comean ovur duh horizon 2 keep it az mil/lit/-heirly grained az 1 cud wroight haom abaot.

>What threads are worth stickying/worth not out of present crop: nu feuilletons, /lit/ writes a novel, /lit/ty werks, book club? Are too many threads stickied ATM (excluding dis 1 obvs which iz temporary)?

>Where would you like to see the board go from here? Would moar board events b apropros oar a focus on cross-board interaction (maybe a collaboration w/ /art/ shud b awn the docket? /littv/ writes a script?)

>How do you feel navigating the board? Are moast thrads useful/funnie/informative? Hao's duh catalogue? (am awaer dat the stickies bump as eef normal threads - mite b abul 2 taulc 2 Gahoole baot rectifyean dat awn the backend sumhao cuz eets a lil irritatin iah)

w/o u, diz board wud b a sky-blue pigsty haiku-kuhaierarchy ov ply-malarkey. u niggas put swine amidst pearls ean duh best waie pawsibyl - so keep awn kiepin @ eet n the above-world literary BTFOs, lyk dat, will unfurl frum wats imagined ean2 reality. %^D


Its a lot of sticky, I think getting rid of book club sticky, issue 1 sticky, the board greeting sticky could clean it up a bit, if it looks bad they can be restickied. The board posting in itself is stagnant but theres not a lot that can be done without a decent influx of users. Someone makes an effortpost, it get minor traction, then people degrade it and it catalogues with minimal post count. Cross board contamination is an idea but they are also dead. As it stands and this is my personal opinion, I like having it for what it is, book club, random posts, the paragraph novel, and the feuilleton. Everything else should be /tv/ because it's dying.


I think it's slow enough make one sticky if assholes reading looking for someone to talk about it with. It's always up and it gives singular little bit of help.


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ty guiez 4 ur respawnsis, dey've been handily considurred 4 the plan goean ahead.

trial period'll b dis - the sticky'sll b the board greetan, /lit/ writes a novel + the book club, w/ feuilleton premieres stickied 4 the 1st week n mayb un-stickyean the book club thread eef durrs moar pressin stickies OAR eets active enuff dat its usually fine 2 sift aot awn the rezt ov duh board prawpur.

eye'll leave dis 1 auwp 4 lyk anuddur week oar soe 2 eef ne1 else has a saie/recommendations %^x

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