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File: 1617545175365.jpg (331.98 KB, 649x807, 649:807, Carl_von_Clausewitz.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Let's say nuclear war or sunspots or whatever destroys civilization in the near future. What would be the most valuable books to trade for food and ammunition? Most would probably say hunting and survival guides but I think military books like Sun Tzu's Art of War, Maurice's Strategikon, and Clausewitz's On War would be highly desired items among the inevitable warlord class.


File: 1617569728418.png (196.86 KB, 775x777, 775:777, rich-dad-poor-dad-square.png) ImgOps iqdb

Are these Warlodds nomadic or do they have a stronghold set up. While the Art of War is the only one Ive read off your list Im not sure how well it would translate to bartering vs. something as eye opening as say Rich Dad, Poor Dad because I mean you might pillage and plunder for 0.1 percent of your time, but having 300+ offspring can be overwhelming 100% of the time


>Sun Tzu's Art of War
I think it's one of the most overrated meme books ever. Someone made it explode in popularity at some point in recent history and people got convinced it's this fountain of wisdom when it's full of platitudes for the most part, with some memorable quotes peppered here and there.


The most valuable books would be those that would help their children and their children's children learn how to read and write.

I don't know if a warlord class would be wise enough to realize their worth.

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