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Will reading Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald help me better understand the world?


It might.


maybe. I don't think any book will. That's a lone road to walk. Let us know what you think of this book when you're done reading it, anon. Have you started already?


No, anon, I just realised I'm illiterate and need to learn how to read first.


all left wing ideologies are controlled by marxists, even if they oppose marxism, they will ultimately act in a way that benefits marxists and marxism among you, once they are no longer useful as cover, they will be discarded, but only after you had been.

two of the core elements of marxism is that it requires the elimination of all non-marxist elements and that it will use any means, including grandiose acts of deception, to achieve this end.

they are a cancer that will go to any length to seek out and destroy anything that does not conform to it's very strict standards, you let them in, even a little bit, and they will metastasize and grow until you are pushed out, they cannot tolerate the existence of dissent, even if it is only limited to a small insular group in a remote and isolated location that communicates in secret, all who do not conform must be found and purged before their promised utopia can be delivered, all failures of their ideology are put down to outsiders or a lack of faith on someone's part.

the left prioritizes the most dangerous sources of dissent first if the left is coming to you for access, it means yu have been identified as a worse threat than whatever they haven't sought out yet, they will talk about acceptance and tolerance and freedom, but once they get their feet in the door, they will focus on building themselves up and then pushing you out of the space you built for yourself, look around at all the other things that gave coexistence with them a chance every time letting one in allowed them to take over, it was inevitable.

the right can tolerate a large range of disagreement, the left cannot, they are obsessed with growing their numbers, aand as their numbers grow, they develop a strict conformist ideology that eventually becomes full-blown marxism, and they become more and more fixated on purging those who disagree, do not let one of these vermin in, or you will end up swarmed by them.

do not make the mistake so many others have, you cannot inhabit the same space as these sorts of people, even the most liberal looking ones eventually turn against you once they feel the pressure to transform into their worst forms for fear of being given the same treatment they would give to you (and they fear rightly)


damn, not good!


As with a lot of these books on the kikes, I buy them and can't read them.
They're so dense, and this whole topic is so overwhelming.
It's not a red pill. It's a red dumptruck full of dirt being poured on me at once.


You can't really understand why the 20th century went the way it did without understand the role of its Jewish intellectual movements. I don't know how accurate the idea of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy is, but The Culture of Critique does a good job of showing how they were all had at least some element of pursuing Jewish group interests. I'd recommend going with Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak first. It focuses on how Judaism has historically been aggressively self-aggrandizing and extremely hostile to outgroup members. The author was a Jewish liberal, but he was the consistent kind.


>doesn't understand what marxism is, confuses it with communism
>doesn't understand that both marxism and communism lost 40 years ago and are now dead and buried
>thinks muh right can tolerate dissent better than muh left, because ideological content totally has something to do with ideological structure
Let me guess, american?

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