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Anybody read this for the sake of analyzing the narrative structures or the takeaways that have shaped society?


Jordan Peterson


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I've been watching this channel and they talk about the structure of the books of the bible and a bit about allusions found within. But it's not perfect, and if you want there are a pot of people who do deeper bible study, there's so many different types of bible study though, like hermeneutics I mean, that if you want to look at the structure I don't know exactly what you should look at.
A lot of books were like holy books for the Jews in the old testament and are like stories of their history, cosmology, and practices-this are stories about The Father. Then the New Testament is about stories of Jesus, as well as letters written to early church groups, the New Testament is about The Son. The New Testament is mostly written to people at the time in which they told the message in ways Romans and Jews could understand so there were lots of embedded references to that. These people were often living in places under Roman rule and weren't really Romans so that's a big deal as well and that gives us a lot of statements literally telling Christians how to live under Roman rule.


It bothers me that people take the Torah and the New Testament as one single work.


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I tried to read it, it's so boring or maybe I'm just retarded. The only book I made it through was Revelations and it made no since to me, it was like reading a post on /x/ made by someone who hasn't taken their meds in a couple of weeks.


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Kind of a moot point to take apart the Bible as if it were a mere work of literature, considering how many translations its gone through over the years, the revisions, the omissions, etc.


Yeah to a certain extent.
What I've found interesting is how it basically shills for Jews.
The story of Joseph in Egypt is that Jews can rule perfectly well, just not as Sultan. So in other words, they manage all the supply, get their family all the best real estate and jobs, accumulate all the wealth from good forward planning, and they'll take none of the responsibility when bad things happen because they aren't Sultan.

I mean it's like a bed time story to a child to make the child know that the parent is in charge, except we're talking about Jews and all others.


The Gospels are quite entertaining. When you strip away so much of the cultural idea of who Jesus was, he just comes across as someone who spends his life wandering around pissing off Jews, and it's kind of funny.


There's a guy called Bruce Gore on youtube, you might want to check out.


>10,000 hours of footage/lectures.
Gee, thanks.
There's so much fucking content on his page.


Yeah, I think he intends to cover the entire Bible, which is admirable.

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