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/lit/ - Literature and Writing

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Where do you find pdf/epubs/etc. of books online? I only know of archive.org, gutenberg.org, b-ok.org and libgen.is. Are there any others?
Also, discuss books about pirates and anything related to them.


fadedpage.com has a lot of public domain literature, even classic 1920s/30s pulp fiction and weird fiction; H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Henry Kuttner, C. L. Moore, &c.
8ch used to have a /pdf/, but it was mostly political stuff.
The Internet Archive has a lot of pulp magazines and short story collections as well, but be sure to download what you need ASAP. They remove anything that breaks copyright, even if it is a long-out of print magazine.

Here is a short story named Pirates by E. F. Benson: http://archive.vn/jZDbV / http://web.archive.org/web/20190803022543/http://www.steve-calvert.co.uk/public-domain-texts/e-f-benson-pirates.html
No actual pirates appear in the story though, the title refers to a childhood game the protagonist used to play. Not even one of his spooky ghost stories, but a sweet, melancholic ghostly tale of an old man reminiscing about his childhood.


myanonymous is a private tracker but very easy to get into and without the autism and ratiofagging of most tv/movie/music trackers.


Does anyone has any pdf links to The Anarchist Cookbook among other useful books?




Reddit sucks cock and so do you, faggot

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