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/lit/ - Literature and Writing

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File: 1637467683405.jpg (1.11 MB, 3106x4096, 1553:2048, IMG_20211121_002241.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


something like james patterson, jk rowling, agatha christie, stephen king…
what makes their writing good?
how do you "learn" to write that good?

what do you do/assure so your book sells? connection to reader and stuff, what exactly make your book"connects" with them then?


None of those are good. Stop shitting up /art/ and this board with your inane threads.


>>2345 but they sell alot


Great art, keep working on it.


This. Focus on the art, not the writing.
If OP would do comics instead he would have a much bigger chance of success. No one reads comics for the story anymore; just be good at drawing and fill the pages with cool artworks, and no one will care that the story is as thin as the page it is drawn on.
Become the Andy Sidaris of comics, OP.


File: 1638231549223.jpg (593.74 KB, 1497x1778, 1497:1778, 0GR5WZy584.JPG) ImgOps Exif iqdb

You just practice every day. Practice writing, but also practice producing story ideas, 10 a day until you can ejaculate them on command like a circus freak. Try to see a few steps beyond a plot, to genre combinations and thematic ideas. As a last ditch resort, try to study 3d people, note interesting dicktion, mannerisms, those sad things people do unconsciously that show forth the pit of misery inside them. Do all that and sacrifice a few children to Moloch, and you're James Patterson.

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