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>He'll never write a book about pro-wrestlers going back in time and having to save King Arthur with Hell in a Cell.


What if you wrote a story about going back in time and wrestling Twain there?


>Implying Twain would have made something funny/good

Shitlib Twain would have updated his story inline with current liberal bugaboos beyond his crypto-fedora messaging; "An Amerimutt in King Arthur's Court" would have seen a black transwoman go back in time to stop King Arthur from founding Britain as a racist white-supremacist society that oppressed the ltgbmap community.


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I dare you to call Twain based after reading this.


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Twain was an antiwhite faggot


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>On American Indians: "nothing but a poor filthy, naked scurvy vagabond, whom to exterminate were a charity to the Creator's worthier insects and reptiles which he oppresses."

>"He is little, and scrawny, and black, and dirty; and, judged by even the most charitable of our canons of human excellence, is thoroughly pitiful and contemptible. There is nothing in his eye or his nose that is attractive, and if there is anything in his hair that - however, that is a feature which will not bear too close examination . . . He wears no bracelets on his arms or ankles; his hunting suit is gallantly fringed, but not intentionally; when he does not wear his disgusting rabbit-skin robe, his hunting suit consists wholly of the half of a horse blanket brought over in the Pinta or the Mayflower, and frayed out and fringed by inveterate use. He is not rich enough to possess a belt; he never owned a moccasin or wore a shoe in his life; and truly he is nothing but a poor, filthy, naked scurvy vagabond, whom to exterminate were a charity to the Creator's worthier insects and reptiles which he oppresses. Still, when contact with the white man has given to the Noble Son of the Forest certain cloudy impressions of civilization, and aspirations after a nobler life, he presently appears in public with one boot on and one shoe - shirtless, and wearing ripped and patched and buttonless pants which he holds up with his left hand - his execrable rabbit-skin robe flowing from his shoulder - an old hoop-skirt on, outside of it - a necklace of battered sardine-boxes and oyster-cans reposing on his bare breast - a venerable flint-lock musket in his right hand - a weather-beaten stove-pipe hat on, canted "gallusly" to starboard, and the lid off and hanging by a thread or two; and when he thus appears, and waits patiently around a saloon till he gets a chance to strike a "swell" attitude before a looking-glass, he is a good, fair, desirable subject for extermination if ever there was one."

I'd say most would call him pretty based by all this alone.

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