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Was it really a pleasure for them to read my poetry or are they just being polite? Even if they don't publish it, the idea that someone else read it and liked it makes me happy but I get the feeling they didn't really like it.


Yeah there's a 90% chance that's just a form letter they send to everyone they reject. Rejection letters are part of the fun though. Give your poems another read-through and another touch-up, and get back out there and collect some more rejection letters. If nothing else, each rejection letter is proof you tried.


Sun rises boys gone without a trace
Never before left his birthplace
The distance grows every minute of the day
Guided by an eerie odor of decay
A desiccated claw grips the boy tight
Worn lips spew fear, hes too afraid to fight
Eyes pushed back deep into a skull
Gazing sharp, for now the boys received a cull

Glutton excess rage and cannabalistic throes
Gaunt to emaciation nothing left to decompose

Beneath the mid day sun the creators rejected
A trapper trapped, hashed, heated and ingested
The savage gnaws all but the liver
Which is left to fatten the boy on the Piwei river
Blood boiling hes thirsty for red
A puppet on strings to a village he's led

Before sunset, they're spotted creeping near rocks
Terrorized, a tribe readies tomahawks
Signal given, a hatchet takes flight
One last chance the boy springs with might
The blade lodges into the frozen core
Feast and consume into each psyche there's its roared
Friend, brother and elder, each has been afflicted
Consuming one another to flesh their addicted

After midnight there's nothing but a smolder
Meat and bones and a boy whos now much older
Tripled in size, gratifying any need
On the hunt for minds filled with greed
First to death his likeness in the snow
The boy stands as the apodictic Wendigo

I wrote this and my friend said it was cringe, then did everything was cringe. I want to get postmodern by I don't think I'm smart enough


One thing I've noticed looking through the archives of all these literary journals is that the poems never rhyme and rarely have a consistent structure. It's just pretentious ramblings. Here's an example that's recently been published by one of the places I submitted my poems to today.

I always wanted to make stationery or notepads out of
restaurant checks

you know, those numbered sheets they use to take your order
at diners

but when I looked online the only places I could buy them were
restaurant supply stores

so you had to buy them in bulk like you were, ya know,
a restaurant

and I wasn't going to order, like, a thousand notepads for my
tiny apartment

but! one website did offer to send a sample, which again, was a sample
in bulk

and this is a silly analogy but you'll see the point
about proportions

like, if an elephant went to a restaurant and ordered
a sample of wine

they'd pour the elephant, like a full gallon of wine
so anyway

all this to say that I got mailed an entire box of restaurant checks and I use
them to make lists

and they've lasted me years, even though I was the type of
compulsive list-maker

who would do a thing, write it on a list, then cross it out just to prove
that I did a thing

until one year I got so depressed that I stopped making lists

the only
two things I could do were the only two things I had to do

which were get out of bed
and brush my teeth (and sometimes I didn't even brush my teeth)

and I was afraid
I'd do something bad to myself so I'd text you and you'd come over

and we'd
make grilled cheese or just sit on the kitchen floor and breathe

and I guess
that's what it means to need someone and I can't seem to find

those notepads anywhere.

Is this actually really deep and good and I'm just not smart enough to appreciate it? Because to me it seems really bad.

Rhyming "rejected" with "ingested" feels a little forced but besides that I like it. What did your friend say was wrong with it?


>One thing I've noticed looking through the archives of all these literary journals is that the poems never rhyme and rarely have a consistent structure. It's just pretentious ramblings.
Yeah I've noticed this too. These people claim that rhyming poetry is dead, but the sad truth is that what's trendy in poetry circles right now is just choppy prose.


I always wanted to make memes or shitposts out of
mcdonalds celebrity ads

you know, those commercials they use to advertise

but when I looked online the only places I could see them was
on youtube

so you had to download them in bulk like you were, ya know,

and I wasn't going to order, like, a thousand videos for my
tiny goon cave

but! one website did offer to send a sample, which again, was a sample
in bulk

and this is a silly analogy but you'll see the point
about proportions

like, if an j balvin went to a restaurant and ordered
a sample of fries

they'd pour the j balvin, like an extra large of fries (he wants a medium)''
so anyway

all this to say that I downloaded an entire box of ads and I use
them to make memes

and they've lasted me months, even though I was the type of
compulsive meme-maker

who would do a thing, post it on tvchan, then file it away just to prove
that I did a thing

until one day I got so depressed that I stopped making memes

the only
two things I could do were the only two things I had to do

which were watch infowars
and jack my dick (and sometimes I didn't even jack my dick)

and I was afraid
I'd rip the skin if I pull on it

and we'd
eat a whole pie like noomi rapace in the ghost movie

and I guess
that's what it means to need someone and I can't seem to find

those memes anywhere.






that poem is fucking hilarious. I'm crying laughing.


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>don't you think this wigger coon is so funny?!? XD


Have you even tried the J Balvin meal?




>never had a big mac (no pickles, please), medium fries, and a free mcflurry

wew lad, imagine!

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