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File: 1662648070763.jpg (327.42 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, sample_c948ee51042da1995e2….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Former fanfiction writer here. I'm not sure what's the general consensus about fanfics or fan fictions here specifically, but I'm gonna ask anyway.

Which is better? Fanfiction dot net or Archive of Our Own? I know that there are differences such as AO3 allows scenes for mature audiences, while FF doesn't allow these kinds of scenes. That's all I know about differences between these two sites.


FanFiction does allow mature scenes but they're hidden from searches by default. You have to go to one of the "narrow results" boxes on the right and click on the M rating.
I've never written fan fiction but, as a reader, I've found it much easier to find interesting stories on Archive of Our Own. Fanfiction has a larger userbase but that comes at the cost of being much more diluted. You might try to post the same stories to both sites if you can. I don't think either site has rules against that but you might want to check just in case.


>You might try to post the same stories to both sites if you can.
It was so easy that I don't know why that occurred to me before. On uploading a Writer document with text format (bold, italic, etc), hopefully in AO3 it detects it as well as FF, since I've had experience with FF before. But I'm sure that's another topic.

Thank you kindly for the reply.


>Former fanfiction writer here.
post it


My coworker has been writing a continuous fanfiction since the 80s, and has boxes and boxes full of the same story. Im convinced its the longest story ever written and its full tilt. Captain Picard, Wonder Woman, countless playboy models, all the Dragon Ball Z characters. I am waiting for him to die and I plan to rob his house but alas that could be another 20 years.


That sounds legitimately kind of fascinating in such a way that it would be a shame if it was lost to the world. See if you can convince him to start uploading it to the internet.


File: 1663528580892.jpg (222.15 KB, 655x480, 131:96, 1365533167049.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I'm going to hold you to that anon. You'd better find the goods.


I like using Ao3 because the software is running is licensed under GNU GPL v2. Also my fanfic uses the n-word and no one gave me shit for that.


>my fanfic
Post it.


this tbh

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