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File: 1664445646303.jpg (907.89 KB, 1847x2560, 1847:2560, img20201108_14470278-scale….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Are there any? I've read a bunch of the classic Conan clones, but is there anything from the last ten or twenty years?


Utterly impossible.
Consider how far one should go from the original now to make something noticeable. When were Fafhrd and God-Emperor of Mankind created?..
We are decades past the point when only readable books derived from such classics were parodies of parodies (Discworld).
Clones would be just skipped outright or quickly rejected and you won't hear about them, unless the main feature is being made via neural net remixing all Conan clones.
So any serious attempt at Conan lookalike by now is going to be either a soy reboot (see those comics about feminist Tarzan), or a complete re-spin/reinvention.


Anything created now and going forward is going to be Infinity Niggers.


The best you will get are third-worlds making homage stories expanding Conan lore.


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The last Conan clone from Tor happens to be twenty years old this year.


This, the majority of nu-Conan stuff is from Italy and Brazil.


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Does the webcomic The Savage Sword of Sharona count?


You get used to it eventually and it gains a kind of charm. His superhero comic is even more whackily drawn


Why? I know both Italy and Brazil used to had some "macho" comics back in the days.

Any examples?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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There's a fun side character in Goblin Slayer (chapters 13, 46, 66-69).


Is the manga actually good? I hate weeb light-novels, so I would rather to check the manga.


It's one of the only good manga that are blatantly aimed at zoomers. But if you compare it with something aimed at a more mature audience from just a few years earlier like Golden Kamuy - which only preceded the manga adaptation of Goblin Slayer by a couple of years, the difference in writing quality immediately becomes apparent.


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