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I want to practice writing prose fiction. Describe a scene you want to see and, as long as it's not too gay, I'll try to write it out eventually….


A gay interracial sex scene between Louis CK and one of his black buck concubines.


"A gay interracial sex scene between Louis CK and one of his black buck concubines!" anon excitedly typed. He told himself he was only joking, but deep down he felt something deeper.
"Heh heh… hahaha!" he forced himself chuckle over and over again thinking about the scenario he created. However the more he thought about it the less he laughed and the heavier he started to breathe. Eventually he stopped laughing altogether as the lust overcame him. His legs began to quiver. He could think of nothing but Louis and his bulls. He focused so intently on them that he went cross-eyed and almost started to hallucinate. He panicked but there was nothing he could do. No matter where he looked, even when he shut his eyes, that image was ever before him.
"I can't take it anymore!" he cried aloud and pulled up a youtube video of Louis C.K.'s stand up special.
"Just one more time", he said to himself, "just one more time to get it out of my system, then never again." As Louis raved on and on about the superiority of the black bulls, anon's hand slowly, subconsciously, slipped into his pants, the place of all men's shame. Without even realizing it, the deed was done. anon was shocked and appalled at how totally he had lost control over his own body.
"Why?", he whimpered, "Why did God make me like this!?" But there was no answer. Unable to take it anymore, he ran into the bathroom and shoved his head in the toilet. He slammed the lid down on his neck and tried to vomit his very soul out of it's fleshly cage. After 6 minutes, his body stopped moving, stopped struggling, and stopped crying. His soul may have been flushed down the drain, festering in the sewers, but it was finally free, finally safe, from Louis and his bulls.


An 18 year old Lillian Gish being teleported to my home and you write about the first date we have happy ending, no sex


"It's almost 20 minutes passed 7, where is she?" anon thought to himself in his kitchen as he added the last few touches to the meal he had prepared. He tried to focus on his task to keep his nerves down but it wasn't doing much good. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It took all the courage he had to ask her to have dinner with him after she spontaneously materialized in his home while he was in the middle of cleaning the pizza sauce stains off his couch. She left to buy a new dress for the occasion but should have been back by now.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door which almost gave him a heart attack. He answered it with shaking hands. There she was, Lillian Gish, in all her angelic beauty.
anon made a very audible gulping sound before squeaking out "C-come in!" She entered without saying a word. He took her coat, hands still shaking, as he admired her beauty. She looked around his home, perplexed by his vast collection of nendoroid figures and Nostalgia Critic DVDs
"Uh, w-would you like to sit down? Dinner is almost ready." anon said, his whole body now shaking. She turned her swan-like neck towards him and smiled, again saying nothing. She walked to the chair beside the table and just stood there. At first anon was confused until it finally hit him.
"Oh! I'm sorry" he said as he anxiously ran over to the table and pulled a chair out for her in which she gracefully sat down. He then brought out the meal he had labored over for so long: a DiGiorno's® Hand Tossed BBQ Chicken Pizza™ fresh from the oven. Lillian was intrigued by this. There was nothing like it where she came from. She cautiously took a bite then silently smiled at anon. He smiled back, wondering deep down if she really liked it or if she was just being polite. They continued to eat without saying a word. The awkwardness of the silence was too much for anon; he had to break it somehow.
"So, have you seen the new Oneyplays?", he asked, "They're playing through all the Sonic games and, well, I love Sonic." She just stared at him with a confused look on her face, saying nothing. In a rare moment of self-awareness, anon realized how much of a piece of human waste he sounded like just now. His scattered mind ran up and down the whole of creation to find something else to talk about.
"Do you have any brothers or sisters" he inquired. She smiled and nodded, but still said nothing. Then it hit him; in all the movies he had seen of Lillian Gish, she never spoke once. It was because she couldn't speak at all. A horrible feeling overcame him. How could they have a relationship together if she can't speak? Language is the sacred dividing line that sets man apart from the animals. If she can't speak, is she even human? His mind was drowned in a deluge of these and other questions. He had to clear his head.
He handed Lillian his Nintendo Switch, saying "I forgot to get a dessert. I'll be right back. Why don't you play with this until then?" She took it and began shaking it over and over to see what it was supposed to do. Anon walked down to the local convenience store and gazed at the magazine rack, trying to figure out what to do about this strange situation. As he calmed down he became more aware of his surroundings and began to overhear two women talking at the counter.
"My neighbor built a cutting board for his girlfriend." the first one babbled.
"Oh, that's nice. I cleaned a window today." the second babbled back.
"Oh, that's nice. I saw a cat across the street today."
"Oh, that's nice. I need to clean the grout in my bathroom."
"Oh, that's nice. I hung a picture on the wall earlier."
"Oh, that's nice. I-"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" anon howled. He couldn't take the inane babbling anymore. But through the agony came an epiphany; women are only capable of discussing the most pointless shit. Trying to converse with one is demeaning to oneself. A woman who can't talk is a Godsend. Women aren't even human anyway so who cares if they can speak or not? He was overjoyed by this new revelation. He took out his concealed Ruger pistol and killed the two women then headed back home.
When he got there, Lillian was still shaking the Switch around. He ran and put his arms around her.
"I love you" he said in a tender tone. She was stunned at first but then dropped the Switch and silently, blessedly silently, smiled and hugged him back.



Good creativity, I liked where you took it. A little to o in the nose for the self-aware parts and I think subtelty could go a long way.

A lot of your sentence structure are the same and quite short, some variation and length makes it a more interesting read.

You were able to describe environments ok, but I'd like to read more, like how she materialized, what conditions am I living in, what do the random women look like. I guess what I mean is, the /lit/ writes a novel is a great exercise in creativity but and perhaps Im projecting here I felt you took those twist and turns too suddenly like the gun scene and you could flesh it out a lot more.

You made me laugh out loud and it had great ideas, keep it up. My critiscisms are basic and I know you dont have a lot of space to write but its heartfelt and I appreciate it.


Thanks, I really appreciate the constructive criticism.


Without relying on any imageboard references can you write a short story about judgement day and people being raptured but one individual is not going up


It was Easter Sunday and everyone in the house was preparing for church. Everyone, that is, except for little Mortimer who hated going to church more than anything, especially after he saw a YouTube video of a morbidly obese man saying that God isn't real. He sat up in his bed wishing he could go back to sleep but he knew that he would get in trouble soon if he kept lazing around so he finally got up and started getting ready as well.
With brushed teeth, combed hair, and a fancy blue suit on, he went downstairs to join his family for breakfast. His parents were discussing boring adult stuff like rising inflation and nuclear winter while his little brother, Johann, was eating the sausages and eggs his mother had made. With a barely concealed smile on her face, his mother stepped out of the room and returned holding something behind her back.
"Happy Easter, boys!" she said, presenting two Easter baskets, one for Mortimer and one for Johann.
"Woah!" Johann exclaimed, parsing through the fake grass in the basket and finding a yoyo. He immediately tied the string around his finger and began to swing it around.
"Be careful son!", Father shouted, "You're liable to hurt somebody!"
"Mortimer", mom said with gleeful excitement, "what do you think of your gift?" In Mortimer's basket lay a thin, hardcover book with a little man wearing a red and white striped outfit and round coke bottle glasses with the title "Where's Waldo" on the front.
"What is it?" he asked.
Mother began to explain, "Well you see, that little character there is named Waldo and he's hiding-"
"Oh wait, I know what this is", interrupted Mortimer, "I saw a video about these the other day".
"Mortimer, don't interrupt your mother when she's talking" Dad instructed in an irritated tone.
Mom just smiled and checked the clock on the wall, "Oh, would you look at that! We're going to be late! Come on boys, let's go."
At church, Mortimer was bored out of his mind. The preacher kept rambling on and on about the end times, a concept that used to frighten young Mortimer before he became an atheist. He had managed to smuggle his Where's Waldo book into church without his parents noticing and began looking through it to pass the time. Before long, he had found Waldo in every picture and yet the preacher was still rambling. The boredom was unbearable. Suddenly, a mischievous idea popped into Mortimer's little head. He took out his phone and took pictures of all the drawings in the book. He then used an app on his phone to airbrush Waldo out of every single one and posted them all over social media.
He grinned and whispered to himself, "Heh, and now we-"
"Mortimer! Put the phone away!" Dad said in a hushed and aggravated tone. Mortimer grumbled but did as he was told.
Later that day, back at home, in his room, Mortimer decided to check if anyone had fallen for his trap and the results were beyond anything he could have imagined. Countless people online had gone mad trying to find Waldo in his pictures. There had been several social media campaigns warning not to fall for them but they did little good. Mortimer laughed so hard he felt like he was going to vomit. He kept scrolling, determined to find every single reaction.
The centerpiece of this chaos was to be found at the other end of a link to a Gore Tok (Tik Tok's new gore-themed subcategory) video that Mortimer stumbled across. In it were a black couple and an untold number of little black children running around an expensive and well-built, yet obviously rundown house. The male of the couple was sitting on a sofa, looking at his phone.
One of the little black children approached him and asked "Hey Ringroy, can you hep' me wit my homework?"
"Shut up, bitch, I'm tryna find Waldo!" the man shouted then proceeded to beat the little kid.
"Oh on", the female said, "I know you did not just hit my child!"
"Shut up, bitch, you won't do shit!"
The woman took a Glock, seemlingly out of nowhere, and shot the man while screaming "How you like dat, nigga?" The last few seconds of the video were drowned out by the black children screaming.
Mortimer couldn't believe what he had seen. His prank led to the death of a man. At first he laid back in his bed but soon began to chuckle a low, scampish, chuckle. As he rose the chuckle turned into a proud, boastful, laughter. He looked around his little room thinking of what he could do next.
"Mortimer, get down here!" his mother cried out all of a sudden. He ran downstairs to find his family all standing in the backyard, looking up at a Great Light in the sky.
His mother turned to him, smiling with tears streaming down her face, and said "It- it's-"
And just like that, she vanished. They all vanished. Everyone. Everyone, that is, except for little Mortimer. In silence he stared at the spot where his mother stood for a few minutes until the realization of what had just happened, what was going to happen, where his family was, what this all meant, and where he was headed began to sink in. His body trembled and he could hardly breathe. Crying and hyperventilating, he searched all around his house to see if his family was really gone. Eventually he wound up back in his room where his Waldo book was still lying open on his bed but now all the pages were blank. He could not cry or hyperventilate or scream or whimper or make any kind of sound anymore. Back in the hall, he noticed Johann's yoyo lying on the floor. He picked it up and sat down with his back against the wall, playing with the yoyo as he waited for his fate to be exacted.

I know there's another spontaneous shooting in this story too but I feel it makes sense here since they're niggers.


Gay interracial cuck porn



Another one, anon. I didn't specify about Louis.


wRITE A STORY about yourself getting a prince albert penis piercing



Again, great creativity. No real complaints or criticisms besides it being cliche regards to Mortimer and family, but it seemed to work in your benefit like one of those 50s pseudo Americana genres. The spontaneous shooting was graphic and helped sell the story. I can think of more scenarios if you like but I don't want to steal all the ideas if you want to change your mind and write cuckporn for others.


Write a story about getting a scrotal piercing


the mexican standoff scene from the good, the bad, and the ugly but with gahoole, truthseeker, and zach in their relative respective positions to each other


But that would mean Gahoole would side with Zach against TruthSeeker. Even in the realm of fiction, that's too absurd to imagine.

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