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Hello, I request books, documents, greentexts, or commentary that would provide inspiration for how to properly prepare for death.

My mistakes are many.


You're not gonna die retard.


There is an exhortation of Anselm to a dying brother, written in the most comforting words: "When a brother seems to be in his death struggle, it is godly and advisable to exercise him through a prelate or other priest with written questions and exhortations. He may be asked in the first place: 'Brother, are you glad that you will die in the faith?' Let him answer:
'Do you confess that you did not live as well as you should have?'
'I confess.'
'Are you sorry for this?'
'Are you willing to better yourself if you should have further time to live?'
'Do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has died for you?'
'Do you believe that you cannot be saved except through His death?'
'Do you heartily thank Him for this?'
'Therefore always give thanks to Him while your soul is in you, and on this death alone place your whole confidence. Commit yourself wholly to this death, with this death cover yourself wholly, and wrap yourself in it completely. And if the Lord should want to judge you, say:
"Lord, I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and Thee and Thy judgment; I will not contend with Thee in any other way." If He says that you have merited damnation, say:
"I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between myself and my evil deserts, and the merits of His most worthy passion I bring in place of the merit which I should have had, and, alas, do not have.'"
"He shall say further:
'The death of our Lord Jesus Christ I set between me and Thy wrath.' Then he shall say three times:
'Into Thy hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.' And the gathering of those standing about him shall respond:
'Into Thy hands, Lord, we commend his spirit.' And he shall die safely and shall not see death eternally."

The same Anselm, in his Meditations, in a most beautiful passage places himself before the tribunal of the divine judgment. He says:
"My life terrifies me. For when diligently examined, my whole life appears to me either as sin or as unfruitfulness. And if there seems to be some fruit in it, then it is either so counterfeit or imperfect, or in some way corrupt, that it can either fail to please or can actually displease God. It is certainly altogether either sinful and damnable or unfruitful and worthy of contempt. But why do I separate the unfruitful from the damnable? Certainly, if it is unfruitful, it is damnable. For every tree which does not bring forth good fruit will be cast into the fire. Therefore, O dry and useless wood, worthy of eternal fires! What will you answer on that Day, when an account is demanded of you, how you spent the whole time of life that was given you down to your last moment? O dread! On this side there will be the accusing sins, on that side terrifying justice; below appears the horrid chaos of hell, above the irate Judge; inside, the burning conscience, outside, the burning world. Hardly shall the righteous be saved. Where shall the sinner, thus caught, hide? To hide will be impossible, to appear intolerable. Where can I find counsel? Where salvation? Who is He who is called the messenger of great counsel? It is Jesus. The same is the Judge, in whose hands I tremble. Revive, sinner; do not despair. Hope in Him whom you fear, flee to Him from whom you have fled. Jesus Christ, for the sake of this Thy name, do to me according to this Thy name. Look upon a poor man who calls upon Thy name. Therefore, Jesus, be Thou my Savior for Thy name's sake. If Thou wilt admit me to the all-embracing bosom of Thy mercy, it will not be more crowded on my account. It is true, my conscience has merited damnation, and my repentance does not suffice for satisfaction; but it is certain that Thy mercy overcomes every offense, etc."

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