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The ending of Don Quixote is weird, isn't it? He comes to his senses just before he dies, but no one is happy about it. In fact, they seem to be more bothered by it than they are by the fact that he's dying. The last chapter has this uneasy feeling throughout it, like the last episode of that Dinosaurs show when the snow starts falling at the end. There's a sense that this isn't right. I wonder if, despite what the Spanish critics seem say, the romantics were right when they said the book is really about the struggle between the passions and ideals of the individual vs. the wicked constraints of the world. I mean, if Cervantes was just trying to attack fantastical stories and the people who read and write them, why was his very next novel, The Travails of Persiles and Sigismunda, which he began writing at the exact same time as Don Quixote, a fantastical story played straight? That would make him a hypocrite. Am I just coping by reading too much into the book because I like fantastical stories and I don't want to admit that I'm being mocked?


It's been about a decade since I read it so I dont gave a lot to contribute. My initial thought was that there was the wpisode where it mocks those that copy him. So I thought that him dying was tying a knot so that no author could lift his character. Then I read what you said again so I think his death was to show that its ok to die and its all about the ride on your horsey and where that journey takes you.


I thought about it some more but if I recall people thought he was a goofy knight back then so it added realism or some shit to make it legitimate


>My initial thought was that there was the wpisode where it mocks those that copy him.
I read up on this a little, and it seems like the anonymous author who wrote a sequel to the first part of Don Quixote only did so to spite Cervantes. Apparently they were political enemies or something. I haven't read it, but supposedly the guy mocks and degrades the character far more than Cervantes ever did, to the point of cruelty.


Don Quixote was a nut, but… kind of cool as nuts go.
A nut who wakes up too late is theoretically laudable… but ends up neither here nor there, and awkward for everyone. At least, if he does not have great sense of humor to handle this.

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