Best "fiction" writer of the 20th century.
Tell me why he's a good writer and give me recommendations of Jap writers
>>5155>Why he is a good writerHe writes from our perspective and he does it very well.
I never understood his death…
>>5159He was obsessed with turning Japan into its pre-WW2 self at a time where too much of the Japanese population had become too demoralized by their loss in it and the eventual American occupation. He was a more extreme equivalent of 2016's alt-right personalities, but he actually did fedpost IRL instead of just sperging about it anonymously on imageboards, and even if his coup attempt failed, you can still respect him for doing something he'd always believed in and died doing it. But Western leftists both contemporary and modern ones never attacked him too much because he was bisexual and even did tons of obviously gay themed photoshoots, afraid that commenting on him too harshly would reflect terribly on modern faggots.
As a writer, occasional actor and director, he was a very good one.
>>5161Mishima was both the foremost chad and chud of his time. Here's a quote from him: "Young people get the foolish idea that what is new for them must be new for everybody else too. No matter how unconventional they get, they're just repeating what others before them have done."
>>5161Carl's Jr. is horrible. Nothing I've tried from their menu was good. It's all burnt to a crisp and covered in grease. How do they stay in business?
Does he wrote any fiction? I don't care about no-fiction write by not aryans.
He's just a meme and a faggot who's burning in hell. Haruki Murakami is a better writer.
>>5168He was featured in the book club, I think the first one of 4 in the Sea of Fertility quadrology. Runaway Horses felt very relatable when things feel hopeless and you can really see Mishima poured his soul into that one.
Sea of Fertility is about 2 buddies and a chick and 1 buddy dies but gets reincarnated each book while the other buddy gets older and lives his life.
>>5117more like literally whokuio mishima
he's good but overrated by the politically ostracized and weebs. there are probably ten thousand better white writers. he was my favorite writer when i was still watching anime and making every asian woman i met uncomfortable
He IS burning in hell
i'm planning to grap some of his books, i hope he is actually good not just a meme
>>5160Necro response but I am unsure if he was actually a faggot, I have heard other sources claiming he was not. Either way faggotry aside he says so much based shit that it really levels it out.
>>5718Not such thing as necron reply around here tbqh. I want this board alive and well.
Hmmm sweetie. Drop the immature posturing and le right wing meme books (spooky rightoid philosophy has its time and place but don't make it your whole personality). You should get into actual literature instead; novels, poetry and plays. I recommend James Joyce, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Samuel Beckett, Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gogol, Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Paul Auster, C.S. Lewis, J.G. Ballard, Pär Lagerkvist, Peter Handke, Yukio Mishima, Flannery O'Connor, Don Delillo and Virginia Woolf. If you want to start somewhere accessible I would go with one of Kazuo Ishiguro's novels, though. Remains of the Day is really good, for example, but all of them are pretty much excellent.
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The fact that he still makes people seethe shows how good he is.
I bought School of Flesh, I will receive the book today. Apparently it is one of his least popular books, even more so today.
>>5943Didn't liberal cucks used to love The Wire?
Talking about gays, an anon who used 8chan back in the days with me wrote an article about being gay. No.5949
>>5943I know the guy from the left.