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File: 1692549314998.jpg (1.5 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, 16925492781988489292106758….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I m bored. Give me prompts.
Tens or hundreds.

Inspire me.





Fuck yourself with a baseball bat with barbed wire, you psychotic faggot with zero talent.


>>5266 did you forgot your meds again?


>>5266 still not deleted after report. This site sure spoils this kind.


Calm down already geez


>>5266 what a genius idea. This is why you are here.


File: 1692594964796.jpg (216.31 KB, 790x669, 790:669, arton27986.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>One single and honest post made the psychotic drawfag have a meltdown


Same fag much?


Guess you didnt know still, sam


Also why use the f or p word. It s like you are Blowing up.


Also this is from the same "normalfag". Take your meds already. For your own good.


Need to melt a little because your tiny kiddy mouth still cant break some ICE


That was hilarious.
Do you even know whats an ICE, kid? Keklul
Sorry, too honest. This board is always amazing. Still, boring, though.


Why is the photo so lonely
It s like nobody wants to pose with you. Lul

Scream again like
Let it all out.


File: 1692600655599.png (134.12 KB, 600x200, 3:1, 1685704595321.png) ImgOps iqdb

Not OP so, Bump this thread
Also this is you >>5272
As evidenced here >>5266
As "honest"
Eat your limp dick, you illiterate lazy burnout retard. Tryhards arent even good to describe you lol


op (tranny) should just use his pencils and shove them into his eyes. would be the best thing he would be able to accomplish using them lol


File: 1692663776925.png (386.12 KB, 512x512, 1:1, emma.png) ImgOps iqdb

And it's true he reported it, and this too as "spam". What a loser lol. Dismissed both his reports with extreme prejudice.


File: 1692663812113.jpg (131.22 KB, 512x512, 1:1, output.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Not OP
You are OP though


As expected from a genius. Try sending that to AI for a laugh cuz i dont find thatfunny either.
>>5287 pretending to be a mod? Aww, so cute. I guess you are not much of an inspiration then. And this site all dont welcome you. KekeLul
>>5288 am i? Then you are a homo then? Lelelolelelel


File: 1692681571539.jpg (951.37 KB, 2047x3072, 2047:3072, Tumblr_l_29147255845882.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Based vol3 posting second best Emma.
Op btfo'd, again!


So desperate.


File: 1692774688253.gif (458.72 KB, 300x169, 300:169, ThereYouGo.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Yes, you're definitely desperate.


>>5300 oh i actually "missed" this thread. Guess not. Only bored untalented fuckface with not even 1 dollar to their tardbrains but using 4chan to pee because they dont even aim to the sinkhole



>>5300 am i. Byebyebaby


apparently he don't even actually draw, he mostly steal pictures https://archive.ph/XBmaI


And he's doing loli pictures to zzzchan



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