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Is listening to an audiobook ever an acceptable substitute for reading the real thing?

pic unrelated.


You see lots of faggots bragging about reading more than six books a month, when in fact five of those were audio books when they were driving or working


Yes. Assuming you have the IQ of a White man, you should have no problem at all absorbing the story as an audiobook while doing something else that doesn't require much thought, such as driving. Remember, oral storytelling was how our ancestors did it. As recently as the 19th century there were illiterate bards in Europe who were capable of crafting, memorizing, and reciting complex and compelling ballads and epics for an illiterate audience to listen to.

That said, I'd argue it's better as a supplement to go with actually reading the text. An audiobook is especially good for a second read-through of a book. Engaging with a text using multiple senses, and actually hearing what the dialogue sounds like, can be useful for gleaning new insights.


FPBP see the pseudo-intellectual having his shit reply after that



Any of you boys like audio dramas? (I know it's not a book, but where the fuck else am I going to discuss this incredibly niche form of entertainment?)

I been listening to the BBC's Dostoevsky adaptations lately, because I know I'm never going to get around to reading all of that stuff.

They're on internet archive, if you're curious.


Audio dramas are cool. There's one for Neuromancer up on youtube. And the ones they did for old time radio shows are kino. I reccommend Suspense.


The Neuromancer one is good. Solaris is good too. I've never listened to it properly but 80's Lord of the Rings seems quality.

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