needle fire: strolled on the side and I was looking, and, keep this in mind, for the wonder of the very first night when rain poured a river and lit upright.
This astounded me because ducks croak fine, even mozart includes them in his music. All there was lest me to do was jump down hitting bells and sounding music, and we continued.
My shadow rustling with the leaves pointed out an entrance to me, an archway, with each side an archway, with each side an archway, with each side an archway, gothic, naturally, this is Kopenhagen, city of faust, because I see him in the taverns and he is the harbinger of water and paint and people, yes indeed, ALL people.
So I entered crawling, as I couldnt remove my shoes, a blue dome, the ocean, featureless unlike the outside brimming with birds.
I died.