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File: 1721172051155.png (221.11 KB, 1310x513, 1310:513, Ayn Rand was WHITE suprema….png) ImgOps iqdb


The most dishonest and idiotic reviews you've ever seen /lit/


>(((ayn rand))) was a hecking white supremeist
Uhh do we tell xer anons?


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t. Joseph Conrad


>white supremacist
Rand was a kike pushing Capitalism for blatantly Marxist reasons.


>pushing Capitalism for blatantly Marxist reasons.
Go ahead, explain that.


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File: 1722657247260-2.jpg (40.15 KB, 888x274, 444:137, The Tempest Review.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Negative reviews on Good Reads are the stupidest things you will ever read on the internet. Except maybe for answers on Quora.


Total subhumans


The site is overtaken by zoomers, women and muttmerican, isn't any wonders why it sucks. And most of modern men don't read, they only play slop or pretend to read the Bible.


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Why there's lots of muslim subhumans giving bad reviews to anything written by Honoré de Balzac?


Americans create nothing, they only destroy


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You mean jewish americans and nigger americans.


File: 1725408961778.jpg (52.69 KB, 640x758, 320:379, Mein Kampf beating both DC….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Besides kino books are really difficult to find, not only Mein Kampf, but also Brave New World because it accurately describes how Banana Republics function:
>Everyone is happy living in their thirdworld shitholes
<Getting high just to escape their harsh reality
<Submitting to their government like the inferior racemixed mutts they are

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