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Why didn't anyone tell me this folksy Kraut pop music was so great?


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It's called polka, anon. Polka.


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It's actually Volkstuemliche Musik or Schlager. The latter can be much more modern in sound, but I don't know where the line is drawn. Schlager is popular across many different countries. You can even hear the influence in ABBA's early music. One of the songs on the first album even had yodeling in the outro.

Not knowing that much about these genres, it makes me wonder what the relationship between them and Balkan genres like turbofolk is. They both combine traditional cultural styles of music with more modern pop sounds in a similar way, but I don't know if it was a parallel development or if there was direct influence somewhere along the line.


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I'm still listening to this MILF. I even like this slower number.


anon, i have some news for you


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Hello my fellow Yodellers


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Is she a spinster? :^)
Takeo Ischi's story is kind of interesting. He taught himself yodeling after hearing it on the radio in Japan and getting some Franzl Lang records. He traveled to Europe and made money yodeling, and Franzl Lang himself was in one of his audiences and ended up becoming his mentor.


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This is definitely more traditional, but I discovered it after watching Heart of Glass and find it pretty calming.


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Always liked


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ABBA has always been celebrated for their excellence. There is an Austrian song by Edelweiss inspired by that same Swedish excellence.

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