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File: 1718040482488.jpg (373.17 KB, 1080x2700, 2:5, rammstein-on-the-moon-wall….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Are they kike'd? I want to listen to new music that isn't kike'd because so far I've only listened to classical but I'm getting burned out after 16 years. No black metal and no rap of any form please.


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Listen to symphonic metal.


They're pozzed, but I have a soft spot for some of their older songs.


File: 1718153900582.jpg (53.98 KB, 515x703, 515:703, 3ea99fbaaca74330b132a63243….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I've been listening to their stuff from the beginning to Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da and it's pretty non-liberal by today's standards. I am sure they've been under pressure to grovel and cuck for a long time.


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They have a lead vocal negress singing against da Natzhees.
What do you think?


See >>2983
Their first albums were good, things only started to get bad during the 2010s after they went through so many controversies and probably decided to appeal more to nu left-winger faggots.


Yah, I cannot defend that. Smells like Trump Derangement Syndrome to me.
I will stop listening at 2009. It is the same as any other media. Everyone rushes to love niggers after Obama.


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Rammstein is very sarcastic on modern politics.
Plus, they endorsed Riefenstahl.


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Look at that arrogant cretin! He doesn't know that Rammstein are leftist trolls from the GDR! Hey, asshole, you probably live in the USA, don't you? You think the whole world revolves around you? Why do you think the band should be named after a major disaster in FRG that occurred at a US Air Force base in honor of NATO exercises and make a song about it? Are you stupid? Haven't you seen their music videos? Only leftists can demean nationalists like that. And Lindemann straight up misses the GDR, this moron misses the occupation by totalitarian communists because he doesn't like the democratic left. And as usual he has garbage in his head because he spent all his time mocking Merkel, who worked for the Stasi in the GDR. He didn't like his own leftist dish.
Don't you like rap and black metal? Yes, you cunt? Suck my anti-communist, anti-kike, Siberian cudgel.

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