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>Muh luv
>Muh hippies
>Muh wurld peace
>Muh racemixing
>Muh drugs
Fucking faggots


Weak bait.


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Hey John!


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That was my favorite of those images.


Mixed feelings. Maybe the worst, most over hyped band of all time. But John Lennon DID beat Yoko Ono, which is based.


Rush is the only Rock Band I can enjoy thats mainstream, yeah I know geddy is a jew but at least he, alex, and neil didn't cheat on their wives took their jobs as musicians seriously enough.


He looks extremely Jewish.


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Beatles were the K-pop before anyone gave a shit about Korea.

He still was an obnoxious prog praised by retards, much like Andy Warhol but with talent. People think that praising Yoko Ono will bring him back from the death or celebrate his death because that's the only way he became a saint.


>Beatles were the K-pop before anyone gave a shit about Korea.
No, they had actual songwriting skills, musical integrity, and artistic influence.


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So it is true that culture has been on decay being slowly replaced by sterile and safe faggotry, not to mention how Gook-pop are nothing but living sex toys.


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I think the cultural decline has been going on longer than people realize. There seemed to be higher overall standards for pre-WWII music and way less music that's downright annoying. As much as I love '80s music, I can't tell how much of the draw for me is genuine compositional talent versus more technical factors. When you consider how limited earlier methods of composition and recording were, it seems like the musicians brought more to the table.


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How long did it take for songs such as "My Woman" to be condemned as sexist, bigoted even incelcore by current ebonics?


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normalfags will say the culture is in decay only since 2016 but they are so fucking wrong, music, literature, cinema, television, painting and etc are in frank decay for a fucking long time


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It's also racist, since having any standards whastosever is white supremacy.


jews are obsessed with John Lennon cause he was a communist, and Paul McCartney is a shabbos goy who killed MJ.


Who is MJ?


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<John Lennon communist
Why never, totally not a leftwing stereotype whose life consisted in playing a shitty toy guitar and never worked his ass off in his miserable life only to get clipped by his number 1 fan and his fans thank the executioner because Lennon finally reached immortality, like any dictator who indoctrinated his cattle, ignoring the guy ditched his daughter, beating the shit out of his wife and the main reason why the Beatles split.

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