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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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File: 1591137998447.png (157.98 KB, 1194x1064, 597:532, fork_and_knife.png) ImgOps iqdb


Why do Americans constantly switch the fork between their right and left hands when they eat? It's seems so pointless.


I'm not a subhuman, I keep my fork in my left and knife in the right.


>using cutlery at all


I almost never use both at once.


That's not something people do is it?


This^ You don't need to be overly dexterous with your left-fork as the knife sculpts and stabilizes your bites before take-off.
*sputtering propeller noises*


*holds up spork*


File: 1592004047332.png (19.38 KB, 169x194, 169:194, 1381176607526.png) ImgOps iqdb

You need to leave.


spaghetti is a right hand fork endeavour, but the chicken parm requires both utensils and holding my knife in the left hand just feels wrong


damn… i wish i could afford some cutlery.

how y'all get to be such rich bitches?¿


Wait, that's a trait in our country? I was the only one to do that and it was only because I can't cut straight with my non-dominant hand.


>only americans do this
Piss off, dickhead. I do it because it's preferable to doing hand gymnastics to reach over my food or spinning my plate around.


Why don't you try holding your fork in your dominant hand and your knife in the opposite, like a human being that can use two utensils at once, instead of a brain damaged monkey only able to poke it's food with a twig?


Some people use the utensils to cut with their dominant hand and then switch the fork to their dominant hand to eat. They then likely set things down to chew and swallow.




i think i get what they are saying.
im right handed. i put knife in right hand and fork in left to cut the food. then drop knife, switch fork to right hand and then put in mouth.


Whuuu…whuuuuuuu….I don't know, maybe it's me. I'm right handed. Fork in left, knife in right, food goes from left into mouth.


yeah thats how i do things if im using knife and fork. am too poor to own cutlery but when eating at others homes or establishments i do exactly as you said.

i own two forks and two teaspoons. one large cutting/chopping knife and thats it. no tablespoons at all.

send help plox


Am I the only nigger here that uses the fork in my right - dominant hand, and knife in my non dominant hand, and never switches it?
This is the continental way but reversed. Apparently reversing it is not normal since you're supposed to hold the fork in your left, and knife in your right, but nevertheless magnitudes more better than this silly "american way".

Thank goodness, someone who understands me!


depends on what im eating tbh. but again i dont have any knives so cant really do it either way lel


What is going on bro. How do you not have a knife.


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>What is going on bro


I thought I had seen the bottom of the pit. I thought I had seen what waits in the dark. I was wrong.


File: 1594194033104.jpg (49.37 KB, 600x649, 600:649, feels bad man.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I miss when I could go on a board and meet a bunch of fuckos like this.


health problems got in the way of me doing just about anything for around 12-15 years and cant work enough to make ends meet. cant afford clothes or food at this point either.
dont really agree with going on social assistance but might have to get to that point but id rather not


There is one way to get out of this: upgrade your skills for a better job OR welfare.
With your chronic pain, max out the welfare using sickness benefits. With this boost of money you can find resources to better yourself for a job upgrade. Whatever that may be.

Rate my plan /10


I agree, go for the government cash. That's what it's for, that's part of why I pay my taxes. So people who are fucked up and can't work are able to have an acceptable living standard. Better an anon than someone else.


You can go to reddit and meet a ton of fuckos just like that.


What, you want this place to be even more dead and sterile?


Why don't you ride a wheelbarrow full of dicks straight up my arse?


Bend over and I will.


yeah apparently not even my union is helping me. they just sent me a link to emergency govn cheese websites. sigh. maybe im just better off dead. we shall see


Well fuck those guys, I hope something works out for you.


yeah. im hoping so too. just found out theres NO modified duties they can bring me back in for so i dont end up homeless. meanwhile theres people handing out masks and hand sanitizer and getting paid for it. so yeah. looks like they are trying to edge me out or force me to quit.

internet will be gone by months end. phone too, which i still owe some money on. might be able to use the first/last months rent/security deposit to pay SOME of the rent but since rent is higher now than when i signed i gotta come up with that extra just to b able to stay here for a month and figure out where i can go. lets also hope i dont die of starvation before then.


what the fucks going on bro, just do >>234 it
there are so many retards that NEET with "mental illnesses" by leeching disabled money, you actually need it

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