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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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File: 1597044626207.jpg (23.62 MB, 5184x3456, 3:2, a tasty treat for a growin….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Eat one of these bad boys every day. Microwave the macho man to perfection, and pour some hot sauce on the sucker. Think you can compete with this kind of quality?


Is that a cherry strudel?




Even the tablecloth is gross, JFC


Hey now, don't go throwing glass stones in this house.


Two year old burrito. I bet it hasn't been eaten yet.


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rate my dinner


depends on what you call art


That looks like a yummy fish head in a bowl just like we had in the old country


That looks like a yummy fish head in a bowl just like we had in the old country


Looks like a turd.


I *AM* a turd.


>My poop is multi textured and covered in blood
Seek medical attention immediately.


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My poop IS in fact multi textured and covered in blood, anon. What do I do with it?


Put it in an air tight container and give it to your doctor or preferred medical professional.


Would you like some first anon? I've got it still sitting on the couch right here next to me still if you'd like to have the first crack at it.


You don't just need a doctor for the body, you also need one for the mind.


I now have my multi textured, bloody poop (it's about two weeks old at this point) in an air tight jar at the moment. I vaccuum sealed it for freshness. Are you sure you wouldn't like first crack at this thing before I go using it on a doctor or other medical professional? Time's ticking, anon.


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My poop is now well north of a month and a half old and it's still sitting here next to me in a jar (for freshness). I'm still waiting to hear if you'd like some. My doctor's appointment is midway through July so there's still time anon.


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Picked up packet of ramen and a can of v8, with my pint of vodka. Had a potato, onion already as well as salt and pepper. Added some water to kickstart the veggies to allow room for reduction after adding the v8.


Slightly past medium heat for 45 min without noodles to allow veggies to absorb flavor then added noodles after boil stopped for al dente texture


Almost forgot 2 tbsp of butter after adding v8


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Then add negro sperm


Says the lentil eater


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I remember it so you don't have to


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What do you remember, anusnon?

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