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Many people are fascinated by the life and habits of Adolf Hitler - one of most famous and evil men in history. At the head of the Nazi regime he enjoyed a luxury lifestyle with access to food and other things denied to the war torn, rationed population of Germany.

Even though Hitler could enjoy the finest alcoholic drinks and the finest meats, Hitler famously followed mostly a vegetarian diet and was virtually teetotal.

Find out what Hitler ate at his expensive houses and military bunkers in The Adolf Hitler Cookbook: The Food the Fuhrer Ate.



I would be interested in it. I don't worship hitler or anything, but I know that his eating habits are a common point of contension. I wouldn't buy it though. Paying some jew for this is a bad move.



I was not able to find the pdf, I have found a paper on :
CONSUMPTION, 1933-1945


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Somebody make this and report back with your findings.


Alright, I'll give it a go. I won't be shopping till tomorrow though but I'll see what I can do.


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I eagerly await the results.


>Hitler sneaking around stealing treats
>SS guards pretend to not see
Hitler is an adorable lil waifu


>tfw no loli hitler-chan gf


Buying Ingredients today, 2 Cups of sugar is a death sentence for me so I'm subbing it with sweetener, all the rest i'm keeping the same. I'm not sure of the shape so I'm just going to go for Stars of David.


Can't find any fucking nutmeg at the store.
Considering subbing it or leaving it out but I want to get it close to the OG recipe.


>first the boomers came for the toilet paper
>then they came for the nutmeg


Anybody make the fuhrer cake yet?


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>one of the most evil men in history

What's it like to still see the world like that? It's been so long. I forget.


I made the cakes after an anon recommended them. Have them with milk or coffee.


I've been thinking of making a fuhrer cake for a while now, but I might make one this Sunday. Hopefully it tastes just as good as it sounds.
White guilt and thinking Jews can do no wrong. I've gone so far past the point of no return that I can barely remember what it looks like.


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Don't believe this shit.
There's also claims Hitler ate meat.
Don't become vegetarian because of a shitty book with wild claims.


2 years later, anyone make it yet?


I'm inclined to believe that he ate veggies


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if this nigga had eaten his eggs and bacon with raw milk he would've won


I made the Hitler Cake and I added to much salt but other than that it turned out great.


ingredient wise it seems solid so it's not surprising it would be good


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Is THIS the deadest board on tvch?


i sure hope not. i try to stay away from the monolith that is 4C… i have to admit their ck board is much more active. i haven't quite read through all these old threads yet. theres tons of gems in there. i'll search for an archive after if necessary. btw that dude in the pic is disgustingly huge


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What do you think of the travis scott meal? Better or worse than the JBalvin meal?

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