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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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File: 1607117067476.jpg (76.99 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 15027653.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>eating a sandwich
>notice the bread is crunchier than usual
>must be extra seeds or something
>keep eating
>almost finished the whole sandwich
>bite into something hard and sharp embedded in the bread
>pull it out
>its a fingernail clipping


I just found this board today on the webring, but so far I like it.
Also, I'm wondering if this story is real?


>Also, I'm wondering if this story is real?
it is, unfortunately.


Who made this sandwich? How painful did you make the sandwich maker's punishment?


Do you like fish sticks?


He probably ran away crying.

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