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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

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File: 1614327711465.png (380.92 KB, 1760x2400, 11:15, QoaxZD.png) ImgOps iqdb




had an egg yesterday it was delish


Scrambled eggs are the superior mode of egg.


File: 1617157185167.png (56.78 KB, 500x814, 250:407, DD5E73CE-93DD-4A56-B1D3-59….png) ImgOps iqdb

i think i want to cook some sardines in some eggs and the cover it in mayorracha


egg and sauce really do mask the foul taste of sardines


File: 1617319609101.png (7.18 KB, 112x81, 112:81, 3D3CC912-2FBC-4B36-B7D0-2B….png) ImgOps iqdb

tbh im thinkin about making hard boiled eggs

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