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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

Kitchen's Open!
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File: 1586009458171.mp4 (3.61 MB, 540x960, 9:16, 42T3Yh_0Nul87XyO.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Post your best receipts here.


Turtle mull
Minced chicken and half as much turtle meat are stewed in an old fashioned pot such as is used for boiling clothes in the country. When the stock is ready, a dozen quarts of whole milk and some butter are added. After this has been thoroughly merged, Worcester sauce, salt and pepper are added. Finally a half bushel of cracker crumbs are stirred in and it is ready to serve.


bugmen are vile


what do you mean by that?


>heat pan
>add butter
>crack eggs
>add eggs
>cook until finished




File: 1608051639905.mp4 (2.27 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 49e6c01e1bdc2e4334437f9970….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1608051698871.mp4 (2.74 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, e1394b3de4d889bb3ede0dd385….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1608275173225.mp4 (1.23 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 763921a60c4f34fc36fbeda93a….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

I miss living in Asia with my kind.


My ancestors <3

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