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This looks delicious.




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Niggers made that first.


I saw someone talk about this thing where you freeze eggs, then you peel the shell off, and fry them. The white gets a fried texture but the yolk is still runny. It is really fucking good.

I have been thinking about trying that trick with Scotch Eggs, which is basically covering a hard boiled egg in sausage then breading it. Unfortunately I do not think it will work out and I don't want to waste a lot of food. The thing about the frozen and fried egg is that the white is in direct contact with the oil so it gets properly cooked. With the sausage and breading I don't think the white would have enough time to defrost and properly cook before the breading starts to burn.


Is than an English dialect or do they just use that many loanwords?


It's a kind of English-based pidgin language common across Africa that's a mashup of English vocabulary/grammar with African words and phrases common between the native tongues, and it looks absolutely hilarious in written form, the BBC has a section dedicated to news written in West African Pidgin English (https://www.bbc.com/pidgin) and sometimes it gets so ridiculous it seems like a racist joke written by a niggermania user, "bix nood" style. French pidgins are also common. It's actually quite sad that a lot of people in Africa can't even speak the native language of their communities and are stuck with broken English.


>It's actually quite sad that a lot of people in Africa can't even speak the native language of their communities and are stuck with broken English.
>it's sad that people can't speak a language that can't count past 4
>it's sad that people can't speak a language that can't recognize "future"
>it's sad that people can't speak a language that can't "promise"


Which of the 1,500 African languages are you referring to?

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