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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

Kitchen's Open!
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File: 1586641709047.jpg (171.31 KB, 990x798, 165:133, 6c5e449ee263021b281fdfbe41….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


So I need to buy cookware that isn't coated in materials or made from materials that will give me cancer. Where do you buy your cookware? Where should I be shopping? Somebody recommended I try out iron skillets but I'm too much of a brainlet to make those work.


You try getting some bakeware and castiron from garage sales? Most of my stuff is old as fuck but is that 50s-60s era American manufacturing built to last forever.


As if anybody does those anymore. Surely there's a place online that's worth buying from.


I see garage sales all the time during the summer.


Okay, garage sales notwithstanding, who makes for a supplier worth buying from?


america's test kitchen does reviews, they make really nice recipes so I'd trust their advice


Go to garage or estate sales and get the pans that old ladies used before they died. Its not covered in xenoestrogen non-stick surfaces.

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