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File: 1629941800481.png (241.37 KB, 500x533, 500:533, 500px-Jovan.png) ImgOps iqdb


I mean people have met Toah Jovan in dream and have remember past lives on Voyganui so there' gotta be at least some truth to it right


No, you just have schitzophrenia m8y


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Yes I have vague memories of living in the tropics as a humble matoran craftsman, constantly at odds with the aggressive rahi


Did you live on a crescent shaped island?


The first 3 sets of Bionicles were so goddamn good man along with most media outside the shitty DVD movies.
Shame it went down the shit fast after that.
They have yet to capture the same ominous mysterious atmosphere of the very first.


>webring /toy/ and /lego/ are ded
well fuck i guess


I'm dead too anon




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>I mean people have met Toah Jovan in dream and have remember past lives on Voyganui so there' gotta be at least some truth to it right


File: 1641003236351.png (414.55 KB, 500x497, 500:497, ce00ba2d2851238eccc408dc15….png) ImgOps iqdb

It sounds crazy but its true. See pic related.


>Jewish sounding names
What did they mean by this?


File: 1641007856642.mp4 (3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mata Nui Online Game Sound….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

One anon on 8/co/ mentioned something about the tribes of Israel corresponding to the Toas, and the whole light and darkness/chaos angle might be Jewish, but I believe most of the names are Maori in origin.


Yes, most of Bionicle's cultural inspirations were from the Maori and related island cultures, this is the first I've heard about Isreali Toas. I'd like to read that thread but it's probably been deleted.


I'm glad this thread exists.


Anyone can explain to me all the autism about Bionicle community?
I still own some of the toys and even some small cd with some Bionicle game, but I never understood all the memes about the toys.


The Maori angle could be misdirection.

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