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File: 1650202788209.jpg (54.69 KB, 576x246, 96:41, Blow Out.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Does anyone here unironically buy the narrative that the Zapruder film just so happened to be shot?


I'm really digging the hoax theory.
That they used a body double (the cop that looked just like JFK that was also killed on the same day by someone else in the same town during Oswald's flight to the theater hideout).
Filmed it to traumatize the nation and shape world events.


An army vet I once knew (disclosure: he was a schizo so take this with a truckload of salt) knew a guy in the secret service who claimed JFK was living in some island way after the "assassination" and that he provided security to him. I thought it was bullshit at the time but now I no longer discard the possibility it could be true.


That's been stated around the net, that he was elevated to a new level within the shadow clique of elite authority. I forget what famous island it is on the east coast, but that would be the place.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
By the way what do we make of Bob Dylan's (freemason jew) and his song Murder Most Foul? The lyrics have a bunch of Gnosticist stuff in them.


I hate Bob Dylan so much.
He's the Andy Warhol of music.
Every line is a reference to pop culture.


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>>3333 (Checked)
Bob Dylan absolutely BTFO, how can he ever recover from this?




JFK works in ASDA with Elvis, Tupac, and a gorduck.


I thought it'd be some Cinnabon in Nebraska


You mean with Gene?


To be fair Dylan didn't write the songs, that was Stan


Is that his alter ego?


File: 1650828269237.mp4 (3.38 MB, 480x360, 4:3, videoplayback.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia.


No, it's who they worship or ask for favors


Redpill me on this "Stan". Is it Kubrick who faked his death?


>american mutts ruining the thread


JFK was shot from the car behind


JFK shot himself.

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