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File: 1651962989118.jpg (14.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, duane lavold aka custom.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


So, two decades ago, the song "Hey Mister" by Custom (Duane Lavold) was on every rock station. The song was a huge hit, the second single "Beat Me" came and went, then his musical career was basically over.

He died last year, a heart attack in Greece. Over two decades after his career ended, he still had his loft in Chinatown. The guy knew a lot of big stars, who would hang out at his loft. He was arrested in California in 2020 for trespassing (https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/57253833/duane-lavold-arrest.html).

This guy, I guarantee, was some sort of drug smuggler / dealer to rich stars, which is how he kept an expensive loft while still being able to go off and holiday. Info about him online is non-existent.


File: 1652276814461.jpg (70.45 KB, 960x460, 48:23, 1604722635892.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>MTV cited the "morally objectionable" lyrics as a key component in its banning and prohibited Lavold from re-shooting the video with different lyrics. were believed to be written about an underage girl, and while the subject of the video was 22 years old during filming

The guy was more likely a child trafficker. If mtv was accusing him of being a pedo and there main reason not even i don't like the song but they told him fuck off pedo.


Considering the shit they had / have on MTV, I don't reckon him being a pedo would have kicked up a fuss.


are you dumb? mtv called him a pedo…


File: 1652510883687.mp4 (14.33 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Blk Presents “Vax That Tha….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


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