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secret subliminal messages hidden in warcraft game


Some tranny is going to take this to mean they need to kill people in order to become good writers.




Didn't a school shooting just happen by a beaner trans person


Where is the proof that he was trans?


Look through a rope, you'll see it.


In other words, you have no evidence, and that's misinformation.


No, I was just saying kys. Feel free to look it up for yourself. It's a free country.


reminds me of the constant disinfo spam that the guy who killed ashley babbit was black, when you can clearly see in the video the killer was white/jewish


a nigger went on tv and bragged about killing her you retard.


ha ha! and I would have gotten away with it too


the new pictures of the shooting are edited
that's why the old video was scrubbed
it was a balding white/jewish guy wearing black gloves, they changed it to a black guy


the important thing though is that he was a member of the secret service and not the capitol police like they claim

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