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 No.3539[Watch Thread]>>3543

The easiest way to understand how Masons think is to watch Star Wars. Star Wars is a Masonic take on the Watchers told by way of a method known as "the inverted hermeneutic" (lit upside down interpretation).
The prequel trilogy of Star Wars involves Anakin Skywalker, in reality Jesus. He is prophesied to be born. He is miraculously born (the actress playing his mother played Mary the mother of Jesus the same year, no coincidink). He talks to the temple elders as a child. He storms the temple as an adult. He is motivated by love, but in this instance love is portrayed somehow as a flaw. In the main trilogy he takes Luke (Lucifer/Samyaza) up to a high point and tempts him with rulership in an inversion of the Bible. He's also concerned with people's lack of faith. He marries Padme Amidala, who is supposed to be Mary Magdalene or Mary of the Migdal (Migdal being tower in Hebrew). Amygdala comes from Migdal because of it's towerlike structure. Amidala = Amygdala.
The backdrop to the prequels mirrors the 1st Century AD, the rise of an occupying empire. Thinks going to shit when Order 66 is given (66AD the Jewish Wars). The destruction of Masada is portrayed as the destruction of Jeddah in Rogue One.

"I'm retelling old myths from a new perspective" ~ George Lucas

George wasn't lying when he said that. Specifically what he's doing is what's called an "inverted hermeneutic" lit "upside down interpretation". And the story he's retelling upside down is Biblical. Well, more specifically it's more Book of Enoch than the actual Bible, but you get the idea.
Star Wars is a tale of the Yehudi (Jews latinized as Jedi) led by two fallen rebel angels - Semyaza/Shemyaza/Samyaza and Azazel battling against God (the Emperor Palpatine) and an Evil Jesus (Darth Vader).
The prequel trilogy is the story of Jesus (Anakin Skywalker) Like Jesus, he's miraculously born (to an actress who in the same year played Mary in another movie). He talks to temple elders as a kid. He storms the same temple as an adult. He marries Padme Amidala (Jesus is rumoured to have married Mary Magdalene, suspected to be "the disciple whom Jesus loved. Magdalene comes from the Hebrew Migdal, meaning tower, which lends it's name to Amygdala, the towerlike structure in the brain. Amygdala = Amidala). He is motivated by love, in this case cast as a flaw because it's inverted. He is troubled by people's lack of faith. He paraphrases the gospel of Matthew too at one point.
Order 66 = 66AD, the start of the Jewish war.
The destruction of Jeddah is the destruction of Masada in Rogue One.
In the main trilogy, Luke, the spiritual leader is Shemyaza, or Lucifer as you might better know him. The clue is in the name. He along with Han Solo who is Azazel, are both threatened with 1000 years of confinement in a pit. Azazel is equated with the Egyptian God Horus, who ruled for a MILLENIUM and whose symbol was a FALCON. Azazel is also equated to the Dajjal of the Quran, who had a companion Al Jassassah who "was so furry you couldn't tell his front from his back".


Blood Baptism of Finn in Star Wars


Blood Baptism of Johnny Depp Ninth Gate



Freemasonry is syncretic. It purports to take a "scientific" approach to religion by examining the common factors between ancient mythologies to arrive at the "truth" underlying them all. For instance the similarities between Jupiter and Zeus would lead you to conclude that they are one and the same and therefore somebody with those characteristics existed.
Except they're not really interested in most mythological figures, what they're actually interested in are the fallen angels of the Book of Enoch, which they claim Hiram Abiff (their Masonic hero) found whilst surveying the Temple Mount prior to building the Temple of Solomon. The Book of Enoch is about the fallen angels rebelling against God, taking human wives, ruling as kings and being worshipped as gods until God got pissed at them and flooded them to death. The "Light" which they request as they advance through the degrees is the realisation of the angelic DNA they believe we all carry such that all of us are capable of becoming gods ourselves.
The leaders of the fallen angels were Shemyaza/Samyaza and Azazel. Samyaza you may know as Satan, Azazel however is his son, born to him through Lilith and therefore the first divine made flesh. Or in other words heaven coming to earth (the compass) and the earth pointing to heaven (the square). Azazel is also known in Enoch 2 as Gadreel, hence the G in the square and compasses. He is the Masonic Messiah. When they say they don't worship Satan, it's because they really worship his son.
Satan is imprisoned, his son rules this world in his stead. His mother Lilith stole the truename of God and is a powerful witch. Osiris is confined to the underworld, his son Horus rules this world in his stead. His mother Isis stole the truename of Ra and is a powerful witch. They are the same. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Horus, which is the eye of Azazel, the ruler of this world.


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just in case


>>3539 (OP)
How do you even begin to decipher movies in this manner?
Is it a working knowledge of the bible?
I'm so unfamiliar with ancient texts.


Uninitiated plebeian, likely a fedora tipping autistic too. Suffer in ignorance, you whelp.


Was this the tip?


This >>3546 isn't me. You shouldn't be quick to trust on an anonymous imageboard filled with spiteful mentally ill posters that enjoy character assassinating all day that Gahoole hasn't been able to ban in years.
I just copy pasted the post in the OP because I thought it was very knowledgeable and intruiging.
Anyway, really once you see tip-offs of different media, movies and music videos having masonic, kabbalist symbolism it, you'll slowly learn about the main symbols and reoccuring themes. Egyptian, Norse, Jewish and greek and roman. Those are the main easy ones to always spot.
Hermes/mercury, Odin archetypes/Odin's eye ritual, things alluding to Sets murder or the coming age of Ra Aleister Crowley also partook in rituals in belief of it, thrown in stars of rempham, inversions of Christianity creating their own Christ (antichrist) and usage of tarot card personality archetypes (tarot being a literal jewish adoption of egyptian tarot) for characters are some of THE most consistent and popular symbols.
Most trends you may see people recognize in some way but only because they think they're an aesthetic trend that doesn't have meaning. The more you search for it the more you'll unearth stuff and eventually make connections.
Also there's a public freemason encyclopedia to easily learn some of this and decipher, which the guy that made the Kingdom Hearts=Freemasonry one used alot too.


I was going to post >A hostile mason enters the thread. But I forgot to do so.
A writer for television visited a class I was taking, and someone asked him a question about themes or whatever, and he suggested to always draw from mythology. Point blank. I was taken aback because that doesn't imply originality at work at all. So now I'm wondering if that was him guiding the uninitiated into pre-conformity, pre-masonry relations, or if it is some sort of "in the biz" tier of understanding, that rehashing the shit sells. The masonic symbols are all deliberate despite not obviously being diegetic or relevant to the plots.
Are the symbols connected to a subconscious continuity between films? And thus, are they paramount for psychological programming over the course of lifetimes?

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