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File: 1655881508306.gif (Spoiler Image, 874.16 KB, 500x278, 250:139, 7uj3.gif) ImgOps iqdb


well you got clocked when you got clocked. maybe the entire plane is some dirtbag wankers anyway
riding big *desert* oils. Life's dirt

we re going back to dark age wooo

it s good for your health actually, spiritually.


not afraid but i sure damn gonna say i cant lol but i guess you also gotta take the bigger surprise i guess

sory i dont have the foresight brah pardon
just being the (black) adam bruh


planes are not the manner of civilization tho come to think of it.

superpower flights is


yeah i should stop blaming big oils all time but i gotta grow spiritually too somehow according to IT at any cost or when the door's close
nobody gets in the party


i hate these text. but i have to invest 1000 more hours given my current speed.

abit late and i dont know it ll be this shit. "god's plan are good" indeed i have gone flipped

like lucifers

500000 yeaes for me
gotta start getting used to it and adding horns now lol


i ll be consistently retarded post-jail i guarantee so an electric chair and infused suplement syringe is basic ammenities i d say


i need to be trid physically to improve my spirit

by the wonder woman rope(lasso)


holy shid i just realize that s the plan

wow lame af arent you just lazy

what a life lol lame af


gay ass faggot desert oil fams
got clocked like 9 11

man aint your god think ye lazy


you need to try yourself sporitually



death is not real so sadness is evil

as in disbelive


File: 1656624792675.gif (228.11 KB, 300x169, 300:169, Legggo.gif) ImgOps iqdb

That's cool and all anon but what do you think about the new J. Balvin meal at McDonalds'?


Thanks for the blogposts, faggot.


Based schizo

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