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File: 1659913774076.png (574.01 KB, 688x804, 172:201, carrie fisher redux.png) ImgOps iqdb


The sick fucks in hollywood…

Carrie Fisher died long before her appearances in Disney Star Wars movies. She was CGI the whole time. The space flight scene was made to look fake, to pretend CGIing someone is hard to do.

In fact, she was reincarnated like all souls, and the sick fucks that they are, made her play Princess Leia again in her next life, binding her in servitude.


God that Obi-Wan series sucked but what was even worse how much of it was focused on the girl. People wanted action and jedis and sith or clone troopers but instead get garbage of course, being Disney.


To add to that:
I think presidents constantly using duplicates even when the original is dead is proof enough how easy it is and feasible to get look-alike actors. Or maybe even androids. Same applies to getting an actor that looks like them as a little kid.
This isn't a deboonk kike answer but rather just opens up to other theories.


File: 1659927189915.png (579.91 KB, 836x528, 19:12, duppon.png) ImgOps iqdb

>He doesn't know



>live through a thousand lifetimes of war and glorious combat, from Carthage to Germany
>reincarnate into fucking dup
I'd be kinda mad if I were Patton, ngl


>Return as a general to lead men to destroy the enemy.
>Find out too late that you killed the wrong enemy.
>Return again but in JewYork into a rich family to build a platform for global attention and presidency.
Yeah I'm thinking it was a good plan.

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