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File: 1660145195748.jpg (12.2 KB, 196x257, 196:257, dio back.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


is he a fraud, who just seels courses and books to dumb westerners? is he a valid translator of old taoist texts?
are his sex-energy/penis excercises retarded?


he was shilled quite a bit on 8/fringe/ back in the day. I wish I could remember which of his books they specifically liked…I can vaguely recall something about the microcosmic orbit, iron shirt ki-gong and bone marrow ki-gong

I have to say I cracked open Multi-Orgasmic Man, and his tip on using your breath has really helped me sort of "defuse" the urge to coom midstroke. I iust sort of shift from the short, tense chest breaths of omgomgimgonnacooOOOOOOooooOooom into relaxed deep steady breaths while focusing on "relaxing" the sensation so to speak. His advice on stabbing your perineum to cause retrograde ejaculations sound very unhealthy tho desu

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