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File: 1671850341815.png (1.46 MB, 1156x1149, 1156:1149, https_3A_2F_2Fwww.howetool….png) ImgOps iqdb


last night I dreamt that I was fighting a crackhead.
I had a dagger, while he had a small circular saw

holy shit those things are dangerous in a close quarter fight

he cut me on my left wrist and opened my arm up to my elbow
I killed him and was trying to stop the giant gash from bleeding out
woke up and spent a solid minute making sure I wasn't really bleeding out

next time I'm going to have a chainsaw with me


With you in bed or with you in your dreams?


Dagger would jam up the saw rendering it useless.


congratulations! you fought a psychic crack wizard and won


Correct, a circular saw would be a basically worthless weapon if you were capable of moving


File: 1673478608477.png (488.77 KB, 670x490, 67:49, sabe.png) ImgOps iqdb

If you've never actually held a dagger IRL, then your dream dagger will be useless.
This is why lightsabers don't work in dreams.


Holy fuck your retardidity is making me mad. This isn't a videogame. You're not going to parry and jam a fucking spinning blade. It's going to go across your little dagger and between your knuckles or up your arm. Fuck you are retarded


Technology in general doesn't work properly in dreams. Guns don't work properly, clocks don't work, PCs, etc. At least for the operator.
The problem is a little dagger slash against a crackhead's hand's nothing, it's not 10k folded nippon steel that'll slice through him, but a saw on my hand goes through it like butter ripping it up
If I commit like a retard I leave myself open to a saw to the neck
and playing it safe the crackhead simply has op dps with the saw, there isn't much to stab into fighting defensively


The saw is extremely heavy and plugged into a wall via a cord. You should have insane mobility against it or at least be able to kite him to the point of it unplugging from the wall.


>He's never fired a gun.
If it doesn't work in your dream it's because you only have a theoretical understanding of how it works, not a physical understanding of the capable energy.

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