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/truth/ - Paranomal

Seek the Truth
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Check the end of the video.
He talked about we meds not being whites, about the jews and also about how Europeans (nordics, celtics, etc) are totally brain dead retards without any talent.


>He's right?


Yes, but boomers chuds will seethe.


What language is this


>He talked about we meds not being whites
That's just stupid. Meds with ancestry from the European side of the Mediterranean are white. It's that simple.
>also about how Europeans (nordics, celtics, etc) are totally brain dead retards without any talent.
That's why Europeans are responsible for the lion's share of scientific, philosophical, and artistic achievements of the past 500 years. All anyone else can do is get butthurt and try to deny it.




What are you sperging about now?


File: 1674160080255.jpg (80.74 KB, 700x510, 70:51, identifying_spergs.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>more irrelevant autism
It's all so tiresome.


reddit meme


*imageboard meme

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